Monday, January 4, 2010

Les Recette de Zizo

Since the vacation started, I've been raking my brains to find interesting activities to interest Abdulaziz. One of them is cooking. First, it is a good mathematical exercise because he has to use and understand the metric system and add or subtract to get the exact amounts required in the recipes, also, to understand different types of foods and try them out(very good for picky eaters). Together we browsed through the many cook books I have and let him chose the recipes he wants to try. On a small piece of paper I let him write the ingredients required and we go shop for them. Well I let him do the shopping. In the kitchen I stand beside him explaining the kind of ingredients he is using and techniques he could use to help him through the recipe, and supervise. In general he does most of the job and this little project is also for his school newspaper.
Marbled Chocolate Fondue
150g Milk Chocolate 150g White Chocolate 225ml Cream 25g butter - Break the chocolates into small pieces and place each in a separate heat proof bowls, and place the bowls in separate pans filled simmering water. - Add half the cream and half the butter to each bowl and gently melt. - Transfer both chocolates to a fondue bowl and slowly whirl the chocolates together for a marbled effect - Serve with whatever you like, cookies, marshmellows, fruits and cake.


  1. ya3ny leish he's not older!? I would have enchanted him o charmed him o etgawezto and we live happily ever after swimming in tubs of Gelato and since he cooks, he makes the perfect husband ;p

    allah yekhalle to you enshallah o etshofee 3areeeees 6abbekh ;)

  2. I thought you just got married??? ;p Believe me Chika he will charm you before you blink ;pp

    Thank you sweetie :*** inshallah we'll see your kids soon ;)
