Sunday, January 23, 2011

Happy Birthday Ahmed!

Happy Birthday Ahmed!
My Love, My Daling Little Man!
You're such an Old Soul!
3asa allah ya7fethik :***
24.01 .2007
He loves his music!
Charming smile...
A lot of people predicts he'll turn into
a Military Man
Reads anything he gets his little gruby hands on...
He Loves Bowling...
Gergai3an! gergai3an!
This amazing protrait was taken by my cousin
"3asa allah yer7amha w yesakenha fasee7 janateh"
Ghanima Al Falah


  1. allah ya6fe'6a lech nshallah o yom tshofina me3res ya rab :*

  2. Allah ekhaleeh lekom

  3. كل عام وهو بخير والعمر كله يارب وان شاء الله تفرحين فيه معرس يارب :>
    والله يرحم موتاكم وموتي المسلمين والمسلمات

  4. awwaaaaah!!! i have missed soo much!! Happy Belated bday to your little bundle of joy :)
