Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Chocolate Cupcakes

Last week of school before the Holidays Abdulaziz's English teacher organized a chocolate party, because they were reading "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". So he asked me to bake him some chocolate cupcakes. This is one of my original recipes, no ready mixes ;p I made for him four dozens of medium sized cupcakes and there was still plenty so I sent some for my sister for her birthday. They were really yummy and very rich. Anyway, this kids, according to what he told me really liked them, so did his teacher, and what's left of the cupcakes about a dozen, he sold them to other kids during recess for KD 0.500 a piece!!!


  1. those cupcakes look yumful

  2. Yes they are...very sinful! Tell me when and where and they'll be at your doorstep ;)

  3. 9iiij? yamdee today ? ym3tna il5ames !

  4. awwww... I'm out of the house...wont be back until late afternoon...how about next Thursday? I'll make something special ;)
