Friday, September 3, 2010

My Risotto

This Risotto is a favorite in my home. Fahad requests it for his birthday each year and the kids just love it. It is a bit heavey, but you can also use low fat ingredients such as light butter and if you're lucky to find low fat parmesan ;) Yesterday I only ate the risotto for my fotur and skipped the other food on the table, and for my suhoor I only had a green salad.
My Risotto which I made yesterday ;)
The ingrediants for a Milanese Risotto :
2 good pinches of saffron threads soaked in 3-4 Tbs of boiling water. 1 large onion, chopped finely 2 garlic cloves crushed 100g of butter 1 2/3 cup of Arborio rice 2/3 cup of white wine ( I used non alchohlic wine bought from Sultan) 5 cups of boiling stock (I used 2 low salt Maggie chicken stock cubes mixed them with the boiling water) 3/4 cup of parmesan cheese
** Quick tips: Sometimes I add sliced button mushrooms, or chicken cut in small chunks and cooked before frying the onions, then I add put it back with the chicken broth.
- Fry onions and garlic with 50g of butter until soft but not colored, then add the rice and continue to cook for few minutes until all grains are coated in oil and begin to color lightly. - Add wine to the rice and simmer gently, stirring from time to time until it is all absorbed. - Add the boiling stock a little at a time about 2/3 cup, cooking until the liquid is absorbed before adding more, and stirring frequently. - When all the stock is absorbed the rice should be tender but not soft and soggy. Add the saffron liquid, Parmesan, remaining butter.

I made this Risotto last Ramadan ;)


  1. looks heavy ... but in a good way ... I like the saffron rissotto but can't remember where I had it

  2. Anonymous... you can find non alchohlic wine at Sultan :)

    q8travelbud...welcome back! I use light butter and sometimes I find low fat parmesan at carffoure which I also use for this recipe. but yes even with regular ingredients it is heavy in very good yummy way ;)

  3. mmmmmm
    yum yum...
    its sooo good...
    but i get bothered by how starchy the arborio rice is ;p
    makes me lazy and sluggish ;p

  4. ahhh risottoooooo! my fave cooked dish but i take hours to make it and i use porcini mashroom with the button ones..shawagteeeeeni, does it taste like saffron?

  5. It does taste good and like saffron...
    madri eshfeen 3ala al3aish this week...although I'm not a major rice started with marag la7am w mashkool, then the maglooba, then the risotto, then egyptian rice with bamya bel zait, and yesterday was chinese fried rice ;p
