Sunday, October 2, 2011

Detox Day 6

Have you ever waked up one morning and you discovered you have suddenly acquired intolerance to certain foods? I don't remember when I've discovered I was lactose intolerant and strong spices intolerant. I can't remember the last time I had Indian food, and one of the reasons I try to stay away from the Biryani prepared by John the cook. 

On Day 5 detox I had a tandoori fish and I used the minimum of the required tandoori paste in the recipe just to give it a little flavor. As soon as I was done eating, I knew I've done a great error! I was uncomfortable for the rest of the evening! :s  
Day 6 detox was spent on drinking herbal concoctions and eating yogurt. I was feeling nauseous all day and by evening I felt a bit hungry and had only green apples with a couple spoons yogurt.

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