Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Pure Torture

Can you resist some thing as deliciously looking as this?
This morning I was switching channels to find something interesting to watch while exercising and settled on Fashion TV to inspire me to work harder so I'd look good in all the beautiful clothes ;p Anyway… they featured a photo shoot with a tall boney model wearing skimpy lingerie in beautiful candy color and she was surrounded by jars filled with candy and cookies and stands filled with cup cakes in every flavor and color! And I thought…."God! This is pure torture for her!" But then how would she look so boney and good in her scanty outfits if she didn't go through this torture ;p As the Frenchies would say "Il faut souffrir pour etre belle"


  1. au revoir my old friends .. I won't be seeing you again in a looong time Inshallah (talkin to the above :) )

  2. Nononononoooo!!!! ;p q8travelbud... you must try my cupcakes at least once ;p They'll be in the store very soon! I'll be announcing their return ;p

  3. maybe if you postpone them another two months! :)

  4. pourrais-je avoir l'adresse de votre restaurant?
    cupcakes, ca m'interesse!!!LOL
    Like your blog, come to read your posts very often! keep the good work ;)

  5. q8travelbud...it is postponed for another week ;p

    Lamia... ce n'est pas un restaurant mais un Gelateria ;) Les cupcakes seron pret la semaine prochaine inshallah ;) Thanks I'll do my best ;)
