Saturday, December 31, 2011

Good Morning 2012

2011 wasn't a bad year. It had its ups and downs, but this is life, ain't worth living it without a bit of salt and pepper and a dash of chilli. As long as my kids and Hubby are happy and healthy, it's what really matters to me the most. However 2011 ended with a bitter note with the passing of my maternal Grandmother, allah yer7amha w yethabet'ha 3end alsu2al w yesakenha fasee7 janatah. She was an amazing lady, kind, generous and with a lot of wisdom.

I am Thankful for my Children, Alf 7amdillah, Thankful for a very very patient husband who puts up with my moments of insanity. I'm Thankful for my parents, my sisters and brothers and my little nephew "Baby Ahmed". I'm Thankful for my Mama and Papa in law, and my sisters and brother, my nieces and nephews. I'm Thankful for my wonderful aunts, cousins and my best friends.

But most of all, Fahad and I highly appreciate your support to us and our business, is our other family, those of you who I've met and those I still haven't had the pleasure to meet and hopefully this year I will, My Bloggers Sisters & Brothers, My followers on Twitter and Facebook. I am Thankful for having you in our lives.

For 2012 I don't have any resolutions like I always do every year. I discovered I'm very bad when it comes to resolutions, because whatever I had put for myself for 2011 I did the opposite. This year I'm going to take it one day at a time, probably be a bit more organized and give myself more "Me Time".

I'm looking forward to 2012. There will be a lot of changes inshallah, and hopefully to the best. I am hopeful and optimistic. I guess that is the right attitude to start the year.

I wish you all a Happy, Healthy & Wealthy Year.

I love you all.


  1. Happy new Year . . . Wishing you a very beautiful one nshallah :D

  2. Im so sorry hon for your grandmother's passing. 3atham Allah ajrech o Allah yr7amha o ye'3amed roo7ha el janna insha2 Allah :(

    And I miss you a lot :D One of the best things that happened in 2011 is that I have had the chance to meet you in person :D

    Happy New Year :D

  3. Swera Thank you dear :*** wish you the same ;)

  4. Danderma Ajerna w ajrich love :*** Thank you.
    Miss you too :) and me too it was one of the best thing to have met you in 2011.
    Happy New Year and wish you all the best in 2012 :D

  5. happy new year :**
