Monday, August 16, 2010

Ramadan TV

So What TV Shows are you watching?
For the past 5 years, Fahad and I are loyal followers
of Bab Al Hara.

This year we're also watching, 3awza Atgawez....Hilarious!!!

Don't miss it!

Kids always say the truth...
"Why is it always so depressing?" Abdulaziz complained the other
evening, being a romantic like his mama, "Why don't they
make love stories like Noor? They are always crying
and crying and screaming these people!"
We're only watching Lailat 3eed because it is before 3awza Atgawez...
So Yes! Why don't we have a love story without the depressing moments?
I was chatting with my Friend, Glamourous Monmon, last night
and she told me Zwarat Khamees is nice.
So what are you watching and what do you recommend?


  1. I have not been watching Kuwaiti/Khaleeji series for years... but I kinda like Saher Ellayl! Yewanis ;-)

  2. on which channel is it on? I'm trying to find an interesting Kuwaiti/khaleeji show to watch :s

  3. Our program is as follows:
    3-4 Qatar TV Laylat 3eed... y3ni not a loyal watcher just something to pass by time
    4-5 Watan TV Zwarat Khamees
    8-9 Watan TV Saher il Layl... eb9ara7a the highlight of our day at home. Lovely o professional... not your usual sakhafat
    9-9:30 if we r not out somewhere we would put laylat 3eed on the background on MBC waiting for 3ayza atjawez
    9:30 MBC 3ayza atjawez... i find it a tad too silly y3ni il story itself is hilarious why the excess craziness...

    O bs salamtich :D bab il 7ara min shalaw il 3aqeed last year o ana ma atab3ah khalas 6ab kha6ry. Buqatada o bonabeel at night during su7oor time bs i think they are repeating themselves wayed baykha this year...

  4. allah yesalmich :) and I will check out Saher il Laile this evening ;)
    Now I watch bab il 7ara because of mu3taz... I adore him ;p I think Bo shahab is coming back this season :)

  5. 3ayza atjawiz numero uno! o 9aja mu bas hilarious its the funniest show ever so realistic too!
    zwarat khamees..
    sometimes i watch zuhra wazwajiha ilkhamsa, surprising coz i hate anything egyptian
    and its true all shows r pretty depressing, especiallyy in ramadhan..i wanted to continue watching lailat 3eed bas its depressing wit7ir..sahr ilail looks nice bs same thing the colors depress me..

  6. Now I'm really curious about Sahar il Laile ;) I'm going to write a love story for next Ramadan inshallah ;p

  7. 7ayatyy im watching
    zwarat 5amees 3ala elwa6an plus at 11pm
    zohra w egwazha el5amsa on melody drama at 1am
    el3ar on melody drama at 2.30am
    the best is zohraaaa :)))

  8. Yeah Zohraaa is getting interesting... Fahad is baffled by her...yegool wa7da 3ala gad 7alha w kil al reyayeel mayteen 3alaiha! Wainhom min gabel 3anha ;ppp
